Robots Are Here To Take All Our Jobs (Or Are They?)

Blog post

Financial Close Robotic Process Automation

Over the last couple of years, one topic has begun to dominate discussion in the finance community: Robotic Process Automation (or, because everything today has to have an acronym, RPA).

“Highly educated accountants and financial personnel spend 65%+ of their time on manual, low-value processes.” – The Hackett Group

So what is all the buzz about? Simply put, what RPA looks to achieve is the elimination of the need to perform menial and manual data tasks. Its ultimate goal is to free up a company’s highly trained talent for more important tasks like the analysis of data – giving it context and meaning – and consequently give them more time to apply that creative intelligence to tasks like problem solving and evolving the business. It is a solution that not only delivers improved value to the business, but provides the type of high value work most likely to attract and retain high quality people.

RPA isn’t something to fear. Think of it as having an employee who is taking all the manual, low value activities you shouldn’t be doing anyway and delivering this with 100% accuracy in a completely standardise and consistent manner across all your business units, entities, departments, and geographies.

To see how Trintech’s Robotic Process Automation solutions can help you improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of your financial close, view a recording of our recent webinar by clicking here.

Or, if you would like to contact us to see how our robots can help you, please get in touch.


The Impact Of Robotic Process Automation - RPA - On The Financial Close

Written by: Kelli Shoevlin