Financial Close KPIs you could be tracking

Now that we have standardized and automated our reconciliation process with Trintech, we are very focused on continuing to optimize to drive further efficiencies.”

Philip Rogers Finance Systems Manager | Financial Controls & Systems Capability Centre | BAE Systems

“What gets measured, gets managed”

The biggest problem we often see is that many companies, especially ones with Shared Services Centers, start at the operational level naturally, but never make it to the strategic level to ensure proper alignment across the business.

So, how do you categorize your KPIs so that you are not only focused on operational metrics, but you are also focused on the overall business strategy? It is key to ensure your metrics span across the true measure of the close: time, effort, and quality.

In this White Paper we discuss:

  • How to accurately forecast the time & resources required to perform the standard financial close 
  • Ways to ensure an appropriate level of resources to produce accurate and reliable financial statements for management and regulatory purposes 
  • How to provide both high job quality and job satisfaction whilst efficiently performing the month-end close

Fill in the form to discover the key KPIs you could be tracking to ensure a successful Month-End close.

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