The Business Case for The Adra Suite

White Paper

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Manually processing financial data is a time-consuming process, especially for companies that use outdated processes or legacy tools to manage their close. Additionally, the financial close is often plagued with errors, a lack of control and audit trails, and major time crunches. Despite the challenges that are being faced, little has been done to correct, or even lessen the negative impact that these problems have on the average Office of Finance.

Delivering ROI by Reducing Time Spent on Overall Financial Close

A leading research firm focused on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Return on Investment (ROI) studies worked with Trintech to explore these challenges and learn how industry-leading financial executives are responding. The analysts conducted independent research consisting of in-depth interviews with Adra clients and found that Adra addresses specific common financial close challenges to deliver a quick and compelling ROI by reducing the overall time spent on transaction matching, bank reconciliation, balance sheet reconciliation, and the financial close.

Download and read the resulting white paper to learn the benefits of Adra by Trintech’s automated capabilities.