Trintech Customer Success Brochure


Trintech is dedicated to your long-term success

When you partner with us, we go the extra mile, or three, to make sure you are well-supported at all times. Whether through hands-on training, intuitive documentation, helpful support and service calls, or even network events, you will have the tools you need to realize your goals. We only succeed when you do! Financial transformation, or even a simple evolution of the financial close process, is not a one-and-done checklist item. It’s a journey of growth and collaboration, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Aspects of Success

  • Global Customer Support: Remove customer roadblocks
  • Documentation: Provide easily accessible answers and a comprehensive understanding
  • Training: Sharpen solution knowledge for busy learners
  • Customer Success Team: Help customers leverage all tools available to them
  • Interactive Customer Portal: Comprehensive product training options in a convenient, engaging forum