AmeriCU Shortens Month-End Close to 6 Days by Automating with Trintech

Case Study

With a reconciliation process that was disorganized, decentralized, and not enforced, AmeriCU knew that a solution was necessary.

Business Drivers to Automate

Prior to automating their reconciliation process with Trintech, AmeriCU’s account reconciliation processes were less than ideal. “The various departments company-wide weren’t performing their account reconciliations—the entire process was very disorganized, not centralized, and not enforced,” shared Stephanie Smith, Accounting Manager at AmeriCU.

When account reconciliation submission was enforced for the various business units, the team quickly became overwhelmed. “Everything was in spreadsheets, so it was very manual. There were hundreds of account reconciliations and often no supporting documentation to accompany the Excel files, so there was no way to verify the information.”

man and woman sitting at a computer talking about auditing bank reconciliations

Decision to Automate with Trintech

After a particularly stressful audit, the need for a centralized location for communication and documentation was highlighted. “Everyone realized that we needed to take steps to enforce and simplify our account reconciliations, so the accounting team in particular was very happy about the decision to put an automation solution in place,” shared Smith.

Adra by Trintech proved to be the answer to AmeriCU’s problems. “In addition to providing the functionalities we were seeking, it’s so easy to use! We add new general ledger accounts and make changes to preparers and approvers frequently, but the solution is intuitive, so these changes are simple to make. It’s also affordable, which we really appreciate.”

I would highly recommend Adra. I find it simple to use but also robust in terms of reporting, dashboarding, and document retention.”

Stephanie Smith Accounting Manager, AmeriCU

Solution in Action

“Reconciliations are completed much more quickly than ever before,” commented Smith. “We recently completed all of our previous month’s reconciliations in six days, which was previously unheard of for us.”

This time savings can be directly linked to the streamlined workflows that Adra has enabled, namely by housing supporting documentation and allowing approvers to send reconciliations and comments back to preparers—all within the solution. “With the supporting documentation readily available and the reject feature, preparing and approving reconciliations is now quick and easy.”

Additionally, Adra provides valuable insights into AmeriCU’s reconciliation processes: “I love the fact that I can go in and see the whole picture, and that I can filter to see who has what, as well as the real-time statuses of accounts.”

When asked for Smith’s final thoughts, she shared: “I’m not the most technical person, but I thought the implementation was easy. I would highly recommend Adra. I find it simple to use but also robust in terms of reporting, dashboarding, and document retention.”

Read the Full Case Study

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