4 Steps to Managing Financial Risk


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Financial risk is a well-known threat that CFOs factor into their decision-making.

Trying to mitigate that risk through a manual approach of emails, spreadsheets and binders is an ineffective defense. In today’s fast-paced business world, there continues to be a steady uptick in instances of financial risk that can impact organizations as well as their customers.

To combat the most visible risk of fraud, regulators have implemented more stringent rules, and companies must be prepared to meet the growing compliance demand—these demands will not be easily met with manual methods. Adapting your manual processes, tools, and strategy with automation is not an easy or necessarily quick process.

Step 1: Assess Your Automation Needs

When you’re consumed with manual methods, so much of your time and energy is focused on simply completing your current pile of tasks; it’s understandable that you haven’t already found time to look beyond the horizon for a way to make the process more efficient and effective. Begin your assessment by reviewing the tools, team, and process you’re currently using to complete your financial close.

Step 2: Build Your Risk Strategy

As mentioned previously, accountants historically established a variety of methods for completing their various projects, but these disjointed methods had one thing in common: they’re manual. These individualized manual methods created inconsistent processes for solving problems.

Step 3: Achieve Standardization and Visibility

After cementing your risk strategy, you will begin to see the two key areas of weakness in your manual processes: standardization and visibility. These hallmarks can only be achieved through a process overhaul.

Step 4: Prepare to be Audited

As with risk, audits are a natural companion to doing business. Meeting frequently changing compliance demands is increasingly difficult with only manual methods at hand.

Implementing a comprehensive risk management framework is no minor feat, but the benefits will be visible throughout your financial institution, not just in your Office of Finance.

This eBook explores the four major steps you should take to implement a solid risk management strategy for your business using financial process automation.