How Technology Supports F&A Teams During Transitional Periods and Beyond
With finance & accounting (F&A) teams having to adjust to remote operations the past couple months, standardization, automation, and visibility into their financial close has been essential more than ever before. The right technology can provide a more standardized process, allowing teams to easily adjust during transitional periods and beyond.
During this virtual panel, Adra by Trintech speaks with two customers, Genesis Systems and ISU Credit Union, to discuss:
- How a remote environment has impacted their teams
- What automation tools they are currently using, and how they have positively impacted their team’s workload
- How this pandemic has exposed any gaps in their financial close processes
- How technology has allowed them to work together in a more standardized manner, granting them control and visibility into their close process
- Strategies they’ve built for a more resilient financial operation moving forward

Diane Foss – Director of Finance, Genesis Systems

Steven Coats – Accountant, ISU Credit Union

Rob Palacios – Accounting Manager, ISU Credit Union