older man working from his home office

Adra Balancer: Balance Sheet Reconciliation Software

Bring speed, accuracy, and control to the balance sheet reconciliation process. While Balancer automatically reconciles low-risk accounts, your preparers can focus on balances for accounts receivable, accounts payable, and other key accounts. Substantiate documents, workflow, and comments all in one place.

Increase Confidence Through Audit-Ready Reconciliations

With Adra Balancer, accounting teams can identify bottlenecks and potential write-off risks, and it houses all substantiation and documentation required to provide full visibility into the balance sheet. If a balance changes after it is certified, the preparer and approver are automatically alerted to re-validate the account and an audit trail is instantly updated and available to any internal or external reviewer

Clock icon showing speed

Fast, easy reconciliation preparation

Workflow diagram

Increase productivity by prioritizing workflows

Compliance icon

Simplify compliance with instant tracking

How Adra Balancer Works

Adra Balancer provides enhanced integration with the general ledger by connecting to numerous ERP systems. Your low-risk accounts are reconciled automatically so your human staff can refocus their efforts on high-priority accounts or those with exceptions. Invoices, bank statements, purchase orders and other supporting documents can be quickly and easily uploaded to the cloud, thereby negating the possibility of misplaced or even overwritten documents. Say goodbye to cumbersome binders once and for all with Adra Balancer reconciliation software.

Young man working from a desk

Streamlined Connectivity

Directly connect to your ERP system for an enhanced integration with the general ledger. Low-risk accounts are automatically reconciled based on configurable threshold rules, and if no errors are found within a defined deviation, then no further review is needed saving your team time.

Diverse group of businesspeople laughing together during an office meeting

Central Document Library

All supporting documentation including invoices, purchase orders, bank statements and information on outstanding items can be uploaded to the cloud. No more lost or overwritten documentation, and no more interpreting handwritten notes.

Young woman smiling at her laptop while performing payroll reconciliation

Automated Full Archive

Produce audit-ready balance sheet reconciliations. Auditors, both internal and external, have access to the financial close process and important documentation based on credentials that you configure.

The Benefits of Trintech’s Adra Balancer: Balance Sheet Reconciliation Software for fast-growing mid-market companies

Adra Balancer’s Balance Sheet Reconciliation Software provides an array of benefits for organizations including:

Increased Accuracy

We all love to think that the members of our finance and accounting team never make mistakes, but even the best do at one time or another because we are human. Those mistakes can lead to delays and even regulatory sanctions. With Adra Balancer’s Balance Sheet Reconciliation Software, the processing of complex financial data is automated, thereby greatly reducing the frequency of errors while simultaneously increasing accuracy.

Greater Efficiency

Mountains of data that used to grind your operation to a halt can now be processed in a fraction of the time with better results. You’ll experience a significant uptick in efficiency during the reconciliation process as time-consuming manual tasks like data entry and document management are eliminated or greatly reduced. As such, your accounting and finance team will have more time to focus on value-added tasks that bolster your bottom line.

An Accurate, Reliable Compliance and Audit Trail

Adra Balancer automatically generates a comprehensive audit trail that integrates and records all comments, changes and approvals that were part of the reconciliation process. No more wondering if there was something you might have missed. No more dreading internal or external audits. It’s all there, just as it happened, enabling you to breathe easier and focus on the next task, rather than having to waste time chasing down reconciliation errors.

Enhanced Productivity

Adra Balancer’s Balance Sheet Reconciliation Software allows the business owner to streamline their organization and reorientate important staff members away from manual processes and damage control toward activities such as financial reporting and data analysis that will help you meet or exceed your growth targets. And with senior managers no longer preoccupied with the troublesome minutia of the reconciliation process, your leadership team will have more time to chart a successful course through an ever-more-competitive business landscape.

Reduced Risk

By removing the potential for human error from the reconciliation process Adra Balancer enables you to prevent anomalous entries and potentially problematic accounting discrepancies. This type of automation greatly diminishes the potential for risk, calling attention to and neutralizing errors before they manifest on financial statements and expose you to fraud allegations or bottom-line losses.

Greater Control Over the Reconciliation Process

Adra Balancer’s Balance Sheet Reconciliation Software enables you to monitor and track the reconciliation process via a single, centralized platform. All your different accounts and departments are brought together in a way that provides unprecedented transparency and control over every aspect of the reconciliation process.

More Effective Communication and Collaboration

Adra Balancer provides powerful collaboration tools that allow essential team members to work together in a more efficient and effective manner than ever before. Share comments, identify and resolve discrepancies and collaborate on multiple reconciliations in real-time with near total transparency. In a sense, Adra Balancer and the complete Adra Suite become the ultimate communication enhancement tool empowering cooperation, improving productivity and giving everyone an opportunity to shine.

Automated Reporting

Financial reporting has always been limited to painting a portrait of an organization as it was at a certain time in the recent past. With Adra Balancer reconciliation software, you can now generate automated reports on the state of your reconciliation and close process . This type of information will enable senior management to make decisions based on current information rather than making educated guesses. In addition, should a financial issue arise, you will be able to identify how it is manifesting in the moment and make data-driven decisions regarding how to respond.

The Choice of Enlightened Businesses Worldwide

Adra’s balance sheet reconciliation software is currently deployed by 2,000 businesses around the world . Its quick and cost-effective reconciliation capabilities are helping organizations streamline their operations and stay competitive while simultaneously enhancing accuracy, reducing risk and ensuring compliance.

There is an automatic reconciliation and approval of zero balance and/or unchanged balances, reducing the number of reconciliations we are having to do each month.”

Dawn Hill, Accountant Crown Holdings Inc.

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APAC Webinar: Month-End Mayhem: Taming the Month-End Close for Retail Page

APAC Webinar: Month-End Mayhem: Taming the Month-End Close for Retail

When: Wednesday, August 28 – 12:00 pm SGT, 2:00 pm AEST, 4:00 pm NZT For Whom: All Finance & Accounting team members Can’t attend live? Register anyway, and we’ll send you the webinar recording afterwards Join Trintech and Satori FP&A for an exclusive joint webinar and discover expert strategies and solutions for your month-end close. Are you grappling with lengthy financial close processes, high audit risks, and manual workflows in the retail industry? In retail, 62% of CFOs report their month-end closing processes are mainly manual, causing inefficiencies and errors​. Additionally, 88% of finance & accounting professionals face stress and data inaccuracies due to the pressure to close quickly​. Retailers, especially …